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Since 2006 Finance United has built its expertise in providing accounting and finance services. We are proud to support Clients from most business fields; both traditional business like trading and manufacturing, and emerging ones like FinTechs or eCommerce Platforms.


When you run a startup, it is as if you are in a race where the grand prize is your business finally generating income. As American racer Mario Andretti said: “If everything seems under control, you’re not going fast enough”.


We provide accounting services for both serial manufacturers and manufacturing on-demand. Our experts can support your business with the necessary accounting and finance control.

Wholesale and Retail

We all live by selling something. E.g. Marlene Dietrich said glamour was her stock in trade.

Here at Finance United we have two types of ‘stock’ especially for your wholesale or retail business - classic time-honored solutions and fresh advanced tools to enable your stock to expand the market.


The service sector is one of the most rapidly growing in the world and is constantly confronted with new challenges and challengers. We at Finance United represent this sector, too. We also face these constant challenges. Therefore, we have developed a set of solutions and are ready to share these solutions with you.

Private Equity and Venture Funds

Private equity and venture funds are highly focused on information. Along with using International Reporting Standards, these funds have their own reporting standards. Here at Finance United we concentrate on the reporting to individual investors and central banks, return calculations (IRR, NAV, etc.) and control mechanisms.


Whether you are a small holding company or a group of large entities, you have a need for bird’s eye-view – a consolidated and / or combined view of the profit and loss statement, balance sheet, and direct or indirect cash flow statement.


Finance United is proud that its country remains Europe’s most exciting FinTech hotspot. Our experts are as ready to support your business with necessary financial and accounting solutions.

eCommerce Platforms

While you know the best ways to bring trading online, Finance United can help you build your own successful accounting and financing basis.

Construction & Real Estate

While you are developing the real estate sector in Lithuania or abroad, Finance United can construct necessary solutions for your successful business.

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